Windows Shortcuts

In one day someone ask me could you teach and show me the windows XP shortcut because your mouse seems doesn't work. Yup at that day something happened with my mouse the I pullout the cable not expressly so it's broken. then I help him with gave him list of shortcut that I have it. I just want to share and it's:
Ctrl + A : select All
Ctrl + C : copy
Ctrl + D : delete
Ctrl + E : find in window
Ctrl + F : find universal
Ctrl + H : history
Ctrl + I : favorite
Ctrl + R : refresh
Ctrl + S : save
Ctrl + V : paste
Ctrl + W : close window
Ctrl + X : cut
Ctrl + Z : undo

Ctrl + Esc : start menu

Windows key + D : minimize & maximize window
Windows key + E : windows explorer
Windows key + F : find universal
Windows key + L : lock windows
Windows key + M : minimize all windows
Windows key + R : run
Windows key + U : utility manager

Windows key + Pause/Break : system properties

Alt + F4 : close window universal
Alt + Enter : full screen & right click, properties
Alt + Space : menu
Alt + Tab : change display - easier
Alt + Esc : change display - harder

F1 : help
F2 : rename
F3 : find universal
F4 : move to address bar
F5 : refresh
F6 : move to address bar & windows

Shift + F10 : menu properties
Shift + Tab : up one level

Ctrl + Shift + Esc : task manager

Num Lock + * : open all sub-folder in windows explorer